SAFE header

Suicide Awareness for Everyone Website

Allegheny County Department of Human Services

Website user experience


Suicide Awareness for Everyone (SAFE) is a regional coalition for education on mental health pertaining to suicide. The website offers links to resources and the ability to register for local events and classes. As the stigma around various mental health conditions decreases nationally it is pivotal that end users are able to get to the content that matters in as few steps as possible.

The website was first mapped with user flows followed by low-fidelity wireframes. From there stylization was applied and high-fidelity wireframes were developed before being modified through an iterative process with stakeholders. After revisions were made a final annotated version was sent to a front end web developer for coding and execution.

Home low fidelity wireframe
Resources low fidelity wireframe
Resources modal low fidelity
Annotated high fidelity wireframe
Safe homepage 1
Safe homepage 3
Safe training page
Safe homepage 2
SAFE support page
SAFE training modal